A Magic Bullet…


I can’t believe I’m actually saying this, but I succumbed to the whole ‘green smoothie’ fad, after a recent visit from my friend David. David is one of the wisest people I know when it comes to nutrition, herbs, and anything to do with health really. So, when he told me about how good the NutriBullet smoothies were, I was willing to be open minded.

Then the universe stepped in, and I won enough money on a random bet at the casino to buy one!! You can argue with that.

‘So Jane, have you become a kale drinking hipster?’, I hear you ask. Well, not exactly. But I have started putting more fruit and veggies in my diet via my Magic Bullet superfood nutrition extractor (yup, I’ve watched those infomercials), and I am feeling better. I’m not saying that adding a shot of vodka to the morning mix wouldn’t make it a even nicer, but, as this is my year of getting my act together on as many fronts as possible, this is a damn easy way to rev up your diet.


Mind you, you need a good recipe. The first one I made went down the drain. It was disgusting. So, here is my version of a green smoothie (thanks David!) I want to try drinking one a day for a month. And, if I don’t feel better at the end of the four weeks, then I’m heading straight to McDonalds for a burger and coke.

Hipster Kale Smoothie Drink

2 pitted dates

1 tablespoon raw cashews

1 large celery stalk

Slice of fresh ginger (to taste, it makes the smoothie very zingy)

1 small red apple (no seeds or core)

2 kale leaves

1/2 peeled lemon (no skin, no seeds, no pith)

1 cup of cold water, or coconut water if you want to be super trendy

Combine the lot in your Magic Bullet blender and blast it to kingdom come.

A New Start

IMG_0320Last year will not got down in my personal history as one to remember. It sucked. However, as 2015 drew to a close I realised that sitting around, wanting to change, was not enough to get things moving. It’s amazing how often something will come along, just in the nick of time, when you’ve reached rock bottom.

Enter Nicole Cody (check out her blog at Cauldrons and Cupcakes – http://cauldronsandcupcakes.com). This wonderful woman devised a planner for 2016 and I purchased it (from her shop on her blog – http://cauldronsandcupcakes.com/shop/). Amazing. I actually sat down, stopped whinging about everything I wanted to change, and made a plan! It wasn’t that hard. In fact, it was fun to give myself permission to dream again. So what if my books hadn’t cracked the big time yet, so what if I still haven’t lost weight. Suddenly I was imagining what I wanted 2016 to look like, but best to all, I had plans in place to make it happen.

A dream without a plan is pointless. That’s my motto for this year. So, with that out of the way, I’m looking forward to sharing recipes, ideas and stories with you in 2016. And if you are feeling stuck, I urge you to get the planner and get started. After all, the Chinese New Year doesn’t start till February 8th, so technically, we have another shot at getting up and getting going for 2016. May the Force be with us!!!